With the world of tech and the web full of acronyms, it is an easy place to get confused. Jeez even the birth of the WWW started with an acronym! It's no wonder the digital arena can be so off putting to normal people, not that IT people are not normal... well most of the the time they are anyway.
So in the world of Content Management Systems (CMS), there has been constant re branding and repositioning of the products for them to stand out from each other, after all, they want to stand out from the crowd. The Gartner groupies have been jostling for position for a decade for best CMS, from Sitecore, Adobe, Sitefinity, EPIServer and the likes. So a quick breakdown of what each acronym stands for, and what the bloody difference is!
CMS = Content Management System
A CMS allows you to create web pages and change the content within them without knowing any programming or having to deploy your website every time you need to make a change. It is a fast way of creating website content.
WCM = Web Content Management (System)
In all honesty, its the same darn thing as a CMS. They added the "Web, as the CMS lives on the web, but it does exactly the same thing. The term is dying a little now too, so don't worry about it.
DXP = Digital Experience Platform
(dunno why they don't say DEP!)So this is a new one for 2019/2020. It threw us a bit too. The idea behind a DXP is that the platform can be used to power more than just your website. It also collates data and presents this back to you, integrates with other systems and also the content created in the "CMS" part of the DXP, can be used to power other apps, such as a mobile app or a different website altogether.
We will write a separate article on DXP in the near future to give you a deeper insight into what is involved and if its the right choice for your company. Also, look out for our article coming soon on the new buzz term on the block "Headless" CMS.
At Spinbox, we like explaining what the right solution for you is, but taking away the complexity of IT Acronyms. You don't need to know this, but if you would like to, we are happy to give you more details.