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We achieve this through an agile-driven culture that puts you, the customer, at the forefront. Our account management, project management, and development processes are all designed to deliver results tailored to your needs.

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Clients & Case Studies

NFRC website facelift

Jul 26, 2024, 11:55 AM
Title : NFRC website facelift
Key message : Adding a modern aesthetic to NFRC's website
The brief title : Modernising NFRC's Digital Presence
Solution title : Seamless Design Overhaul
Results title : Enhanced Aesthetics and Usability
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The National Federation of Roofing Contractors (NFRC) sought a website facelift to modernise its digital presence. The project aimed to update the site's header and footer, along with global changes to fonts and colours, creating a cohesive and contemporary look. Spinbox created a design that would be seamlessly integrated into the existing site without disrupting user experience.

Spinbox undertook a detailed overhaul of the NFRC website’s visual elements, focusing on enhancing both aesthetics and usability:

  1. Updated Header:

    • Introduced a new background design
    • Extended the header to cover the full page width
    • Adjusted spacing to integrate the navigation bar seamlessly with the banner
    • Made minor display adjustments to the search functionality
    • Updated the main contractor search function to align with the modernised design
  2. Updated Footer:

    • Extended the footer to match the full page width
    • Redesigned using NFRC's brand colours
    • Increased spacing and font size for better readability
    • Realigned the footer for a consistent and accessible display, correcting misalignment caused by social media icons
  3. Style Updates:

    • Changed the font to Avenir, increasing its size for improved accessibility
    • Updated colours in line with NFRC's updated branding guidelines
    • Widened body content and document table's spacing and sizing to enhance readability

The 'facelift' of the NFRC website resulted in a refreshed and modernised online presence that aligns with their brand identity. Key outcomes included:

  • Enhanced Visual Appeal: the new header and footer provided a cleaner, more contemporary look, improving the site's overall aesthetics.
  • Improved Accessibility: larger fonts and increased spacing made the website more readable and user-friendly.
  • Consistent Branding: the updated colours and fonts ensured a cohesive brand experience throughout the site.
  • User Experience: adjustments to the search functionalities and document table improved usability and accessibility for visitors.

This project showcased Spinbox's capability to deliver precise and aesthetically pleasing web enhancements, reinforcing NFRC’s digital presence with a modern and accessible design.

NFRC-Case-Study-Banner2 NFRC Company Logo